Healthy Living

Benefits of drinking water

Your body needs water – do not ignore water if other drinks are available. Water rehydrates your system and makes sure that you look beautiful with a glowing complexion. The bonus point is it makes you healthy as well and keeps your body and skin free from toxins.

Beauty & Fitness benefits of water

  • Diminishes wrinkles. Drinking more water restores elasticity of your skin and therefore it helps in reducing wrinkles and even prevents new wrinkles from occurring.
  • Drinking enough water preserves the skin hydrated from the inside and out, which results in preventing dry and chipped skin. Thus, eventually it keeps your skin radiant, even toned and supple.
  • Quick shedding of fat causes sagging skin. By drinking more water you can tighten your skin just in a few weeks.
  • It helps in maintaining pH balance of your skin, which means a healthy skin.
  • Flushes out toxins from your system, thus reducing your acne breakouts.
  • Drinking more water lessens dehydration and therefore helps in reducing dark circles and bloodshot eyes
  • Helps losing extra weight by improving your metabolism, leading to improved digestion.
  • Reduces dehydration – if physical fitness and performance is important to you make sure you are properly hydrated as there are many effects, most commonly fatigue, weakness, headache, lack of concentration.

Water vs Other Beverages

You are probably wondering if you should only drink water all the time. The answer is, of course, only if you want to.  Any food or beverage taken in moderation is probably just fine for most people. However, water is a big upside.

Most people would benefit from replacing sweet, sugary or high-calorie beverages and carbonated soft drinks with a bottle of natural spring water every now and then.


What’s in your soft drink
Beverage Calories Sugar (teaspoons)
Bottled Water 0 0
Sports Drinks 110 6
Sweetened Teas 130 7
Lemonade 140 9
Soft Drinks 150 10
Fruit Punch and drinks 180 11

Water and The Body

The human body is 50%-75% water, depending on a person’s age (children are made of more water while elderly people are made of a bit less). You have probably heard this before, but think about it and you will realise why water is so important to us. In general, if we lose more than 3% of our water content, we become dehydrated. If we lose 20% of our water content we won’t just dry up, we will probably cease to exist.

Fortunately, we have water, which helps regulate and maintain body temperature. Water transports nutrients and oxygen and removes waste products and toxins. It moistens and lubricates your mouth, eyes, nose, hair, skin, joints and digestive tract. If your body doesn’t get enough water you risk dehydration, elevated body temperature, fatigue, decreased mental and physical performance and heat related illness.